This really cracked me up when I read it - I wasn't sure if I should write a speech in the comments box, or if I should pull a Marlon Brando and have some former beauty pageant contestant dressed in Native American garb decline the award on my behalf as some sort of protest...
"Well, I’m presenting it to another bad motherfucker whoknows when it’s time to hit delete and when he has something worth posting, so without further adieu I present The Golden Delete Key Award to The Zenformation Professional."
@ Your Library, Aug. 1
Seriously. No fucking clue what to do with blog awards.
So I'm passing this award on, to the wonderful Pia Savage at Courting Destiny, for choosing to wade out of the political gossip muck that most popular bloggers focus on these days and into a much more dynamic world of blogging focused to fiction, exploratory essays, and writings about living life to the fullest with a nonverbal learning disorder, surviving in a post-9/11 New York, and moving to South Carolina.
That takes a set and a half, trust me. There's more to life than just politics. But when one gets tired of writing about the liars, crooks, and thieves that govern us, well, the online armchair quarterbacks tend to be unforgiving.
And with Courting celebrating its fourth birthday this month, Pia deserves more than a blog award. With some of the nastiness she experienced from her political writing days, she's a living testament to the fact that, yeah, we need a blogger's equivalent of the Purple Heart...
* * * *
Recently, I've been spending quite a bit of time wallowing in my own 1980s childhood nostalgia, thanks to the first two seasons of this landmark television series now being available on DVD. No clue why the remaining seasons (the series ran on NBC domestically 1981-1987) have yet to be released. But, well, if you're too young to remember it, well, give it a shot.
"And hey. Let's be careful out there."
I used to watch this show with my mother, curled up on the couch. Now that I'm older, wiser, and able to get some of the adult humor...
* * * *
Why is it that there are people who feel the need to tell me what I CAN'T put online? Especially when all they would have to do is explain to the men in their lives (I spent two nights sleeping between two women on a tiny full sized mattress) that, yes, we all slept in the same bed together because I don't have a guest bed or couch?
"Touch that laptop, and I'll cut you, mister."- A wayward, grad school shopping traveler,
Whilst crashing in the ol' Fortress of Solitude
The alums from one of my alma maters are just as strange as the Local U. alums when it comes to worrying that I'll somehow use one too many euphemisms and start an argument over something that didn't happen.
And no, nothing happened. Though an apartment without air conditioning...
* * * *
Seriously. Five guys sat around on the steps of an almost deserted bar a few weeks ago, holding an impromptu Swamp Ass Caucus. And yes, there are things about men women just will never understand.
"Look, chicks don't understand. Swamp ass and chafing are the two greatest threats to Mankind's manhood. Maybe not Womankind's womanhood, but..."- DR. TAINTSTICK, whose idea to keep a second tube
of antiperspirant handy for the ol' scrotum
deserves a Nobel Prize
For the record, Old Spice... tingles. But, working out or out on the trail, wow.
* * * *
Took me three hours to quit laughing. Kids are the darnedest things. Two young girls were bickering back and forth between themselves in an alley behind the bar I frequent.
"He's just a boy. I dunno. I think I'm ready at this point in my life for a real man."
* * * *
This was the closest I've come to dragging a guy out of a nice restaurant and beating him within an inch of his white-slacks-an
"You know, I'm sick and tired of a few queers ruining [the Local U.]'s reputation with stupid drag shows. No way in hell is it that popular!"
"It's one of Oxford's biggest tourist attractions, for a good cause, and, well--"
"I don't give money to THIS university to help faggots get outta closets!"
"Well, I don't give a shit about cold-hearted bigots, but I'm still letting you have your say..."
- Heated conversation with a middle-aged,
obviously drunk Local U. Alumnus last week.
The only thing that stopped me? His saint of a best friend from his college years, who reminded me that, yes, even off the clock I - along with the thousands of other employees of my greater institution - still represent the ideal of a diverse educational landscape that values all opinions, even unpopular ones. Fisticuffs two blocks from the Local U. campus would accomplish nothing, aside from possible arrest and a trip to the unemployment line for yours truly.
The Spectrum Drag Show, in recent years, has become one of this community's biggest tourist attractions. The AIDS charity events draw hundreds of people and thousands of dollars into Oxford, which helps the Local U., businesses, and the city itself in terms of public image and revenue. I'm proud, too, to call some of those drag queens friends - they really do make for some gorgeous ladies.
And hey, how many Oxford Fucking Ohio hetero bloggers pose for a quick pic with one of the drag show's founders, Barry from QueerCincinnati
What good would it do to be involved in just another drunken brawl on the sidewalk, over someone twenty years my senior being unable to cope with change?
With true diversity comes tolerance. And with tolerance comes that understanding that everybody has a right to their own opinions - even opinions one doesn't agree with.
* * * *
This one lyric has been stuck in my head ever since I first downloaded this song a few months ago.
"You can pretty much milk anything with nipples."
Tone Tank, one half of the Brooklyn indie duo Iller Than Theirs, has released probably one of the best rap tracks of 2008. And, well, the whole EP is completely free. Check it out.
- # # # -
I'm passing this award onto the wonderful Pia Savage at Courting Destiny, for choosing to wade out of the political gossip muck that most popular bloggers focus on these days
hah! Ouch, dude. Fucking Ouch. Not that I really fit the category.
Thanks for the tip on ITT. Solid stuff
Lol, well, it wasn't so much as a swipe but... yeah, it's amazing how one loses blog "friends" when they say "well, I'm moving on now and want to write about something different."
And honestly, I think the world needs more folks writing about things like NLD and from experience than it needs folks regurgitating things they've, OMG, read in the friggin' newspaper.
Breaks the vicious cycle we've been in as media consumers...
Re: ITT ... lord, there's so much great free music out there right now...
True story, and I wouldn't have said a thing if it weren't. There is, in fact, something of a bit more substance that I've been sitting on, but I sort of want to make sure I do it right.
And I'm a huge fan of anything that strikes a blow for free culture
One of the other really great summer hip-hop albums?
Amplive's Radiohead-fused Rainydayz Remixes. Del the Funky Homosapien's vocals on the track Video Tapez reminds me of his late 1990s stuff.
You do know that "you can pretty much milk anything with nipples" comes from Meet the Fokkers?
Lol, never seen it so I wouldn't know. Not really my type of flick (put Ben Stiller in a movie where he's eaten by zombies or fighting some bone-crushing alien menace, and I'm there!), so I wouldn't have gotten the reference.
But your comment did get me curious...
According to Wikiquote, a variation appears in the film Meet the Parents (2000, Universal), the series' first installment, but minus the "pretty much." I don't know if that was the lyric's intended reference or not...
Tomato, toMATo. It's the appearance in a rap song that makes it funny, at least to me, and the fact that it ended up getting stuck in my head...
I just wanted to say thanks for hearing me out at Walmart yesterday. I haven't met too many people up here yet and since you always seem willing to talk with people i figured i'd give it a shot :)
You deserve a blog award or two in my book. I'm so looking forward to running into you at the library and around town even though I'm not really a bar person I am a library person.
If you're ever in the NY Metro area let me know... I'd love to get drinks!
well I've given you another useless award for your blog for kicking ass dude.
Darling, how are you??? :-) Thanks for the tip of the hat. You're the best. I'm totally freaking reposting your bit here.
Ah Jason, I'm never dissappointed when visiting your blog LOL
I like the hot pic - what it that you're drinking, a merlot whilst sailing along on a yatch? ;)
Hey, no problem. And now you know how to find me :) And thanks for reading!
Lol, one day, maybe soon, actually.
Hey, thanks, chica!!!
A ha! And while you were too drunk to remember it, my friend, I was trying to remember the blog URL...
Heh, alive. How's the Queen City homefront there? And repost away, man!
Lol, hey chica! Long time no hear! Read you were down in SLO, chillin' like a surf villain.
Heh, actually, it's probably this winery from San Miguel. Oh my God, their reds are friggin' addicting.
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