Saturday, October 29, 2005

Stupid F#%@ing Blogger Template Editor....

For anyone who may have attempted to view the ol' ZenFo Pro Homestead in the last two hours...

Sorry about the mess.

I just finished revising my template, then realized I'd mispelled one URL. I went in to make the minor correction, and, poof!

Blogger ate my template.

This one may look a bit different - used a backup template file to reformat a generic dummy blog.

Think everything's working correctly now, so...

Stupid Fucking blogger template editor.

I need a Scotch.

Make that a double...


Carla Chanliau said...

Yeah I had that too several times. That's why I always saved the previous used template in a txt file... just in case the new one fails. :D

The ZenFo Pro said...

Yep...I have a new TXT file I'm keeping as a backup. Good idea, always!