Friday, May 06, 2005

New Open Source Thin Client could Offer hope for SSA Information Poverty...

Just came across this piece on the Ndiyo Group's new Nivo thin client on the BBC's UK Site...

At less than £100, this could kind of development could have a major impact for developing countries, esp. Sub-Saharan Africa, which, according to the latest Neilsen Net Ratings and pop. estimates, represents 14% of the world's human beings yet only 1.5% of them are Internet users.

Since the contemporary, typically Western idea of bridging the divide has traditionally been the "Dude, Your Country's Getting an Outdated Dell Loaded with Proprietary Software that You Can't Afford" model that has been pushed for years, this is a major breakthrough, especially for libraries, digital libraries, archives, and other repositories in the Developing World.

Keep on Rockin' towards an I-World...


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